Which Ayurvedic medicine is best for kidney?

The human body is the most complicated creation found on the earth. If we go a little deep, we find that body organs and their functionality are even more complicated; kidneys are one of such organs. We have two kidneys in our body that are 11 cm long, 6 cm wide, and around 3 cm thick. These organs do many important jobs to keep your overall body healthy. Kidneys filter about 120 liters of blood daily, and they produce approximately 1.5 to 2 liters of urine per day. Whenever you develop any kidney problem, Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure can prove the best cure.

Role of kidneys in the body

Every kidney contains approximately one million nephrons each. Kidneys main job is to filter blood by removing wastes as urine. In this natural process, blood enters the kidneys through the renal artery and is cleaned through small filters known as nephrons. Some other kidney functions are regulation of acid-base balance, elimination of inorganic ions, maintaining electrolyte concentration, secreting hormones that help activate a form of Vitamin D, and regulating blood pressure. Additionally, kidneys also clear out urea, sulphur, and other wastes generated due to prescribed Allopathic medicines.

Many recent reports say that about 10 percent of the world population is suffering from chronic kidney disease (CKD). A timely detection and treatment help prevent the worsening of any kidney disease and thus reduces the risk of kidney failure. Some common kidney diseases are Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome, Uremia, Renal Calculus, Acute kidney injury, kidney infection, polycystic kidney disease, and acute kidney disease; kidney failure is the final stage of all kidney problems. This kidney problem is characterized by severe or entire loss of kidney function. Mainly, dialysis and kidney transplant are conducted to cure this problem. Due to these Allopathic programs' limitations, a kidney patient can’t get permanent relief; all it can do is help manage the condition. On the other hand, choosing Ayurvedic medicine best for kidney failure can help cure kidney failure forever.

Ayurvedic treatment for reducing high creatinine level

Ayurvedic kidney management approach

Kidneys are known as Vrikka in Ayurveda, which are formed by Rakta (Blood) Medha Dhatu (fat tissue). Any blood and fat-related problems may also affect the kidneys' functioning. In general, when Kapha Dosha causes any blockage in Srotas, especially in Mutravaha Srotas, Vata Dosha gets increased. Consequently, abnormal urine production happens that results in the decline of kidney tissues that eventually progress to kidney malfunctioning and may damage your kidneys.

When kidney failure or any other kidney problems occur, the patient doesn't notice the symptoms. However, a kidney patient may experience numerous body symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, weakness, fatigue, poor appetite, weakness, breath shortness, blood in urine, frothy urine, swelling in ankles and feet, etc.

Ayurveda utilizes numerous natural herbs to improve kidneys’ function by regenerating their damaged tissues and cells. The natural herbs help balance the doshas and thus restoring kidney function by improving the kidneys' health. Treating kidney diseases in their early phase is always better as compared to later stages of kidney problems. For later stages, cure, dialysis, and kidney transplant are recommended by most allopathic practitioners, but this treatment can’t offer a permanent cure.

Our lifestyle mainly diet play a significant role in maintaining good kidney health. Living a healthy and active lifestyle that includes a well-balanced diet and some Yoga stances may keep you going for longer. Additionally, given below are some tips that help to keep kidneys' healthy for longer are:-

  • Avoid eatables that have high potassium and sodium content.
  • Limit your dairy product intake.
  • Increase your water and fresh juices intake.
  • Maintain a normal blood pressure level and cholesterol.
  • If you have diabetes, maintain your blood glucose level.
  • Practice Yoga on a regular basis.
  • Keep your salt intake as low as possible.
  • Avoid poor habits such as smoking, chewing tobacco, and alcohol consumption.
  • Don't take over-the-counter medicines such as painkillers, sleeping pills, NSAIDs, etc.

Whenever your kidneys fall ill, or kidney functionality gets impaired, some particular natural herbs aid in restoring kidney functions naturally. Those herbs are:

  • Punarnava (Boerhavia Diffusa) - It is a fantastic herb that helps restore health by bringing back the body's normal functionality.
  • Gokshura (Tribulus Terrestris) - This herb helps in balancing three doshas in the body. It is commonly prescribed to the patients having kidney stones.
  • Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula) - This herb possesses rejuvenating properties. It helps clear the blockage in the srotas or channels. This herb is mainly helpful in diabetes and urinary tract infection.
  • Kaasni (Cichorium Intybus) - This herb is known for improving kidneys' health. It's also beneficial in respiratory problems and digestive system related problems.
  • Additionally, many other natural herbs act as Ayurvedic medicines best for kidney failure.

Contact an kidney expert Ayurvedic hospital and doctor whenever you notice anybody symptoms similar to kidney problems. Taking any form of medicines without prescription can prove problematic, so stay away from self-medicate and follow only a prescribed Ayurvedic medicine best for kidney failure.


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